Welcome to Awesome Arcade Extensions!
On this page, you can find my list of MakeCode Arcade extensions that I find super useful (or just plain cool) in my projects.
Please note that this website is not developed, affiliated, or endorsed by Microsoft, the owner of MakeCode Arcade.
To use these extensions, you will need to import them. First go to the toolbox, click on Extensions
, and you will see a text box that says Search or enter project URL...
This is where you will paste in the URL to the extension. The URL will be posted along with the extensions below.
You can find the old home page here. (please note that this page will be removed soon.)
Want to suggest a new extension or modification? Head over to our GitHub repository and file an issue or submit a pull request to edit the extensions.xml
file! (A GitHub account is required.)
Made by jwunderl
Import this extension with the URL:Help your sprites find their way around your tilemaps with this extension! Just provide 2 locations on a tilemap, and it will automagically compute the fastest path between the 2 spots while also moving around walls using the A* algorithm! This will add another section in the Scene
category called Path Following
in the toolbox.
Made by microsoft
Import this extension with the URL:OOP is no doubt an important topic in programming. This extension will help you make objects in blocks! Attach all sorts of data to an object, like numbers, strings, images, sprites, locations, and more! This will add a category in the toolbox called BlockObject
with 7 sub-categories.
Made by riknoll
Import this extension with the URL:Need some cutscenes with dialog? This extension is for you! Comes with a variety of blocks designed to make writing stories and scenes much easier. This extension pairs great with the pxt-color
extension linked above. This will add a new category called Story
in the toolbox.
Made by riknoll
Import this extension with the URL:Playing MakeCode Arcade games with friends can be hard to do without a second device, without the split-screen extension! This extension allows the user to split the screen into two now four cameras, each following a different sprite! The cameras can be reassigned to different regions of the screen, and the scene camera blocks have been replicated in this extension! The extension adds a Split screen
category to the toolbox.
Made by jwunderl
Import this extension with the URL:As the name says, this extension has a bunch of utilities for sprites and more, especially anything dealing with trigonometry. This extension adds a new category called Sprite Utils
in the toolbox.
Made by pelikhan
Import this extension with the URL:Simple but sweet, this extension adds the very much-need blocks to print text onto images. This will add a new section called Text
under the Images category in the toolbox.
Made by felixtsu
Import this extension with the URL:Light up your games with this extension! It allows you to turn the lights on or off and add lanterns to sprites so that they have light around them when you turn the lights off. This will add 2 categories called Lantern
and Multilights
under the toolbox.
Made by pelikhan
Import this extension with the URL:Play beautiful melodies encoded in the RTTTL language in MakeCode with this extension! You can use this website to turn your .midi
files into a RTTTL-compatible string of text! This extension adds a block in the Melody
section in the Music
category in the toolbox.
Made by riknoll
Import this extension with the URL:Arcade games can get more realistic with shadows! This extension will add a category called Shaders
in the toolbox.
Made by riknoll
Import this extension with the URL:Easy access to a 8x8 tilemap in blocks! Note: If you're switching from a 16x16 to a 8x8 tilemap, don't forget to switch tiles in your code! And delete the 16x16 tiles in the tilemap editor, otherwise you're going to get really confused. This will add a block under the Tiles
section in the Scene
Made by UnsignedArduino
Import this extension with the URL:Blocks for Fast Random! Have separate RNG objects for different aspects of your game, and with seeding! This will add a Random
category in the toolbox.
Made by robo-technical-group
Import this extension with the URL:Rotate images with this extension! This works best with large images. Don't forget to enlarge the base image, so when it rotates, it has enough room to spin! This will add a Sprite Transforms
category in the Advanced
section of the toolbox.
Made by jacobcarpenter
Import this extension with the URL:Shove bytes and booleans into a string as a save code! This will add a category in the toolbox called Password Save
Made by jwunderl
Import this extension with the URL:This extension allows you to rotate and scale images. This extension adds a category called Scaling
in the toolbox.
Made by UnsignedArduino
Import this extension with the URL:Shows and scrolls notifications like a sprite-say dialog but s c r e t c h e d out! It also supports variable speed and 8x8 icons! (Although it doesn't push notifications down when you display more than one at a time - you need to wait until the current notification is over otherwise you will cover it up - but there are blocks to wait for the notification to finish) This adds a category called Notification
Made by UnsignedArduino
Import this extension with the URL:Your games can ascend to a new level with freaking achievements in MakeCode Arcade! Easily track and display achievements with this extension! This will add a category called Achievements
in the toolbox.
Made by shakao
Import this extension with the URL:Stop hacking the built-in countdown in your code - it's ugly! Instead, use this extension which does the same thing for you in a nice little extension! This adds a section called Countup
in the Info
Made by felixtsu
Import this extension with the URL:Intelligent sight now comes to your sprites in MakeCode Arcade! This extension can help you detect whether one sprite can "see" another sprite with some math! (Much better than sending "see" sprites everywhere) This adds a section called Sprite Sight
in the toolbox.
Made by riknoll
Import this extension with the URL:Now we get 4x4, 2x2, and "1x1, at your own risk" tilemaps! Initialize a tilemap and use 4x4 or 2x2 or 1x1 images to manually draw your tiles by code. Note this extension was made in 1 hour, so it may be buggy and performance will not be as good as a 8x8 or 16x16 tilemap. This will add a Smaller Tilemaps
Made by riknoll
Import this extension with the URL:Don't use a sprite to manually scroll the background—use this extension instead! It can scroll your background in with variable vx and vy too! This will add a Scroller
category in the toolbox.
Made by UnicycleDumpTruck
Import this extension with the URL:"Morph" images in MakeCode Arcade! Very cool for switching between images and could be used in say, the reveal of a bad guy's true form! Also, useful for switching between images that are used as instructions instead of a snap change which is boring. This adds an Imagemorph
category in the toolbox.
Made by riknoll
Import this extension with the URL:Don't want to draw up a platformer tileset? @logic_lab on the MakeCode Forums has converted GrafxKid's tileset into MakeCode tiles, so you can use them as well! Comes in 4 different seasons and adds 4 new dropdown categorys in the tile category picker in the tilemap editor.
Made by UnsignedArduino
Import this extension with the URL:Man, rendering inventories are a pain in the butt. Until you add this extension! This extension allows you to make items, (which can hold an image, a name, and more) toolbars, (like Minecraft hotbars) and inventories! This extension adds an Inventory
category in the toolbox.
Made by UnsignedArduino
Import this extension with the URL:The only reason this extension exists, so you can programmatically turn the FPS and sprite count on and off lol. This adds a Stats
category to your toolbox.
Made by distintiva
Import this extension with the URL:Makes coding multiplayer games over JACDAC easier! It works in the simulator as well! Note: At the time of writing, JACDAC for Arcade is in the middle of a rewrite so things are most likely broken. This will add a Real Multiplayer
category to the toolbox.
Made by distintiva
Import this extension with the URL:Extremely similar to the built-in settings-block
extension, this extension also allows you to save data like a database! This will add a Database
Made by UnsignedArduino
Import this extension with the URL:Don't manually place walls to make your A-star paths do what you want, use this! You can set a sprite to follow a path between tilemap locations and have handlers when they finish. Note that everytime you set a path, it will recalculate the paths using the A-star extension which can take a long time depending on how big the tilemap is and how many elements there are. This extension adds a TilemapPath
Made by UnsignedArduino
Import this extension with the URL:Imagine memorizing the values of colors in MakeCode Arcade. This extension will add a block at the very bottom of the Images
Made by riknoll
Import this extension with the URL:This simple extension adds a block to the Scene
category that allows you to follow a sprite with the camera with an offset! Much better than hacking a sprite to always be off a certain amount.
Made by LucasMayhew
Import this extension with the URL:This extension adds another category called Music
which contains a block to play some (very nice) looping music made by @LucasMayhew!
Made by UnsignedArduino
Import this extension with the URL:This extension allows you to easily add complex music to your games with a script! This adds a new category called MusicalImages
to your toolbox.
Made by klausw3
Import this extension with the URL:This extension allows custom sound effects other than the boring square wave! This adds a new category called Sound Effects
Made by AqeeAqee
Import this extension with the URL:This extension allows you to take a screenshot of the screen, or a snapshot of the current tilemap and print it on the console! It will add a category called Snapshot
Made by kiwiphoenix364
Import this extension with the URL:This small extension adds a category called Delta
which has a single block that exposes the delta time function in blocks, so projects that rely movement or time based on frames can work when the game is running slower than expected! Make sure to look at the example on how to use it!
Made by kiwiphoenix364
Import this extension with the URL:This extension allows you to blur the screen in and out, just like the Colors extension does with fading! This adds a category called Blur
Made by kiwiphoenix364
Import this extension with the URL:This extension allows you to smoothly zoom in or out of the screen by calling a single block! A straightforward (0 < x < 1 for zoom out, and x > 1 to zoom in, and negatives for flipping screen upside down) extension that adds a Zoom
category in the toolbox.
Made by riknoll
Import this extension with the URL:The default sprite overlap and tilemap overlap blocks are called for every frame it is happening, which can lead to unexpected results. You can use a state variable to only run code when you start and stop overlapping sprites/tiles/areas, but that is annoying. This extension adds new blocks which make it great for advanced tilemap games or making sprite overlaps easier! This adds a category called Sprite Events
Made by AqeeAqee
Import this extension with the URL:This fork of the official extension adds multi-line support and fixes several bugs as well!
Made by lucasmayhew
Import this extension with the URL:A beautiful set of tiles and images by @lucasmayhew fit for a game based on a castle! This adds a set of images and tiles to the gallery.
Made by UnsignedArduino
Import this extension with the URL:A new and improved version of the Musical-Images extension, this extension can play MIDI files after conversion using the associated tool! (Use this Python tool to convert MIDI files) This adds a new category Arcade MIDI
Made by S0m3randomguy
Import this extension with the URL:Another simple yet sweet extension providing access to enums to block users! This adds an Enums
Made by S0m3randomguy
Import this extension with the URL:A much-needed extension that adds more blocks to the block settings extension, allowing you to store even more data types, including arrays and images! This extension adds a category called BetterSettings
to the toolbox.
Made by S0m3randomguy
Import this extension with the URL:This extension adds simple dictionary/object-like functions to access an object where you can store sprites with a label, eliminating the need for tempSprite
and tempTitleSprite
and tempSelectorSprite
and tempTempTempSprite
and more! This adds a category called Declutter
Made by Blobbey2000
Import this extension with the URL:You didn't know you needed this extension that provides blocks to manipulate a clock! No more variables and threads and string concatenations to make a simple clock, this extension eliminates all of those problems! Adds a Clock
category to the toolbox.
Made by livcheerful
Import this extension with the URL:In this extension you can make soundtracks within images! But it is pretty confusing and "might break your game." This extension was made by @livcheerful in a hackathon.
Made by jwunderl
Import this extension with the URL:A small extension that adds more effects! This will add another effect to the [sprite] start [effect] effect
block in the Sprites
Made by riknoll
Import this extension with the URL:This extension provides a Multiplayer
category full of useful blocks for making multiplayer games!
Made by projectsbyunique
Import this extension with the URL:A small extension that simplifies level and mode development! It allows you to create modes, which can trigger event handlers once the current mode changes. Adds a Modes
category to the toolbox.
Made by meeeeeeeep1
Import this extension with the URL:Using a built-in but hidden feature, this extension displays the system console directly on the screen! It’s extremely helpful when you want to directly get values but don’t want to have to manually click on the console button. Adds blocks to the Console
Made by meeeeeeeep1
Import this extension with the URL:This extension expands the INFO
category, giving you the ability to show/hide the stats, change the life image and customize the stat colors. Adds blocks to the Info
Made by robo-technical-group
Import this extension with the URL:A (currently) JavaScript-only extension that ports Google's "BigInt" implementation "JSBI" to MakeCode Arcade!
Made by riknoll
Import this extension with the URL:This text-sprite extension replacement is so much better than the built-in text sprite extension! It comes with many more configuration options and supports more features, like specifiers to make the text wavy, support newlines, or animate text like in the story extension! This extension adds a Fancy Text
category to the toolbox.
Made by microsoft
Import this extension with the URL:This extension will add a Platformer
category, which contains numerous blocks extremely useful for making...platformer games! It includes common platformer features, allowing you to reduce your game's block count. Also includes blocks for character animations.
Made by S0m3randomguy
Import this extension with the URL:@SOm3randomguy ported the control
namespace from JavaScript over to blocks, enabling you to access APIs such as asserts, events, buffers, garbage collection, benchmarks, profiling, and other device/session information! This extension adds a Control
Made by alexszeto
Import this extension with the URL:@sylvancircle on the MakeCode Forums made an extension that provides "customizable splashy particle effects", adding an Effects
category to the toolbox.
Made by riknoll
Import this extension with the URL:Using some clever z-indexing, you're able to perform beautiful screen transitions between scenes! This adds a Screen Transitions
Looking for Awesome Arcade Tools? They have been moved to the Tools page! (Which you can also find in the navigation bar!)